Verse of the Month

Church Gathering

A Declaration of Divine Love and Salvation

At the core of our existence lies a profound truth – our separation from God through sin. Sin, the moral transgression against divine law, has created a chasm between humanity and the Creator. In His boundless love and mercy, God responded to our fallen state. He chose to become one of us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus, walking among us, not only taught about love and imparted wisdom but also bore the weight of our sins. His ultimate sacrifice on the cross paid the price for our redemption, bridging the gap wrought by sin. Through His resurrection, we find the promise of new life and hope. Each Sunday, we gather not just to celebrate this miraculous gift but also to acknowledge our need for grace, to remember the price paid for our sins, and to rejoice in the resurrection that offers us eternal life. This message of hope and redemption is the heart of our faith, the reason for our joy, and the foundation of our community at Grace Romanian Baptist Church.

Worship and Community


Our church is deeply committed to fostering a community where worship is central. We believe in the transformative power of gathering together in the name of Jesus Christ to offer praise and prayer. Our services are a time for the congregation to come together and experience the grace and mercy of God. We also emphasize the importance of fellowship and mutual support among our church members. By nurturing a community grounded in Biblical teachings and devoted to loving God and one another, we strive to be a light in our community, demonstrating the love of Christ in our actions and interactions.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach and Ministries

The church is deeply committed to serving our community and demonstrating the love of Christ in practical ways. Our outreach programs are designed to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those around us. Whether it's through local community service projects, supporting global missions, or simply being a friendly and supportive presence in our neighborhood, we are dedicated to reflecting God's love and compassion to all.

Moreover, at Grace Romanian Baptist Church, we seek to honor God through various ministries. Our choir ministry focuses on worshipping God through hymns and spiritual songs, creating an atmosphere that encourages heartfelt worship. The children’s ministry is dedicated to imparting Biblical truths to the young minds, helping them grow in their faith from an early age. The youth ministry provides a welcoming environment for teenagers and young adults to connect with God and each other. Additionally, our church is actively involved in mission work, spreading the Gospel and serving communities in need. Each ministry at our church is an expression of our love and service to God.


Spiritual Growth and Education

Nurturing Faith Through Learning and Fellowship

Bible Study Groups

Join our Bible study groups to delve deeper into God's Word, understand Biblical principles, and apply them to everyday life. These groups provide a supportive environment for spiritual growth and personal reflection. See calendar below.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes cater to all ages, offering a solid foundation in Biblical teachings. These classes are designed to encourage a lifelong journey of faith and understanding. Sundays @ 10am

Prayer Meetings

Participate in our prayer meetings to seek God's guidance, support each other through prayer, and experience the power of communal worship and intercession. Wednesdays @ 7P

Join us!

Come Visit Us

1542 Harrison St., Hollywood, FL 33020

Weekly Services

Friday: 7p - 8p

Sunday: 10am - 12p

Sunday: 6p - 8p